This past Sunday saw St. Paul's words about marriage from the Letter to the Ephesians make their appearance again. (For non-Catholics, our Lectionary, which contains all the Bible readings for Mass, runs on a three year cycle. If you attend Mass every Sunday for the whole three years, you hear about 90% of the Bible. If you add in daily Mass, you get up past 95% of the Bible. The only part left out is all the "begats." Remember that next time someone tells you that the Catholic Church isn't a "Bible believing" church. Grr.)
Anyway, the part that gets people all riled up, of course, is the part about wives being submissive to their husbands. I will quote, from Ephesians 5:21-30.
Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of the church, he himself the savior of the body. As the church is subordinate to Christ, so wives should be subordinate to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word, that he might present to himself the church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. So [also] husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.
This was immediately followed by the Gospel reading, which was from John 6, the Bread of Life discourse. After Jesus tells His listeners that He will give them His flesh to eat, people start to leave Him and call Him a blasphemer. (Tangent: if Jesus meant this to be only a symbol, don't you think He would have called back His followers and explained, corrected their misperception? But He didn't do that, He let it stand.....hmmmm......) Another quote:
Many of Jesus' disciples who were listening said, "This saying is hard; who can accept it?"
I chuckled inwardly, because that could just as easily apply to modern attitudes toward the second reading as to Jesus' declaration of His Real Presence in the Eucharist. While I am happy to report that another deacon at a different Mass than the one I attended apparently gave a great homily that did address this reading, I waited in vain to hear it addressed at my Mass. (Usually priests give the homilies, but deacons can do it too, and at our parish there is usually one Sunday a month when the deacons preach.) In different years, I have also heard a deacon tell the congregation that he has never and will never preach on that Scripture, because his wife told him he'd better not. I remember thinking, "Wow, you are an ordained minister of Christ, supposedly one of His soldiers, and you can't even take on your wife's ridiculous order that you neglect teaching your flock about a certain part of Scripture?!" This past Sunday was a different one, but his avoidance of the second reading was obvious, and to my mind, pathetic.
If this reading makes you uncomfortable....SO WHAT?! This is YOUR JOB. (This goes for priests too.) When you avoid talking about this reading, you give the message that the secular society who declares us backward woman haters is right! You communicate that there is something shameful about that Scripture, and that it needs to be hidden and ignored as much as possible. If you think this Scripture will anger your female audience, then you need to learn more about how it needs to be taught to a modern audience. But also, you need to adopt more of a "so what" attidude about that possibility. People get angry when you say abortion and euthanasia are wrong too. They get angry when you preach against premarital sex and divorce. Are you gonna stop? (And if you would, then please, just hang up your stole right now.)
Here's the thing. This teaching looks different in every single family that attemtps to live it. The one thing it is not, which so many seem to think it is, is license for a man to lord it over a woman, putting up his feet and ordering her to get him a beer while she slaves away on housework. Your job as an ordained deacon or priest is to dispel misconceptions like that. How can you do that if you refuse to ever talk about it?
Really, truly READ that passage. First, it tells spouses to be subordinate to each other. Then it goes on to tell wives to be subject to their husbands. Is it possible that cultural bias of the time influenced the wording? Sure, after all, the Bible was written by inspired HUMAN authors, and each added their own influence to what they wrote. But let's think about this: the man is described as the head of his family. Don't families work best when a man truly embraces that role? When he takes on himself the responsibility of the welfare of everyone in his domestic sphere? How healthy are families when he doesn't do that? Fatherlessness is a national crisis, and yet we persist in trying to have it both ways, wanting to deny men their leadership role. Keep reading, and you will see that men are ordered to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. You know, that Church that he allowed Himself to be CRUCIFIED for? How is that not subjection and subordination? Wives are basically told to listen to and respect their husbands. Husbands are told to be ready to suffer torture and death for their wives. Wow. That would seem to put things on a pretty unfair level....for MEN. That's an awfully high standard to expect of them. And yet, a man who has truly embraced his leadership role will be ready to do that for his wife and children, because that is what his call is as a Christian husband and father.
I can't give you a formula for how this looks in every day family life. I could tell you how it looks in my family, but that won't be relevant for anyone else. Each couple has to work it out for themselves, and that is where the guidance role of our leadership comes in. If you have been ordained as a priest or deacon, and you refuse to lead Christ's people in the difficult matters, if you refuse to help them understand what might be confusing, you are not doing your job. If it's uncomfortable or scary, well, so what? Jesus didn't call you to give you an easy life. He called to you preach His Word and lead His flock. That's always been hard. It's like being a good parent, where the easy path is basically never the right one.
Now the caveat here is that a woman has to choose a man wisely before she puts this much trust in him. Likewise, men must choose wisely before committing themselves to lay down their lives for a woman. I have told my daughters, any guy who quotes the first part of this Scripture in an attempt to boss you around is someone you should run from, with all the speed you can muster. Because men like that seem never to get around to reading the second part. They are troglodytes in Christian robes. For men, if a woman wants to try and use this Scripture as an excuse not to develop herself and reach her potential, educationally, professionally, morally, whatever, then you should also run from her. She is just looking for someone to blame for her failures. While you should be willing to face crucifixion for your wife, it shouldn't be your wife doing the crucifying.
Honestly, if I can work out this little bit of cogent thought on the topic, shouldn't someone who has been educated and ordained by the Church be able to do as much? Gird up your loins, guys, and get to it!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Cowardice has no place in the Church Militant
Catholic Church,
real man,
traditional values
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Well it's good to see that you think that YOUR interpretation of "working it out" is the PROPER interpretation. I mean whether or not they want to talk about it became irrelevant when you went on the whole tangent of your interpretation of scriptures, when you yourself have not been ordained or found that box that supposedly has all the answers (the arc of the covenant). So allow me to enlighten you on a few FACTS before you go shitting on someone else who chooses not to delve into a certain "scripture".
1) You can go to 10 different churches on the same day and get 10 different interpretations of the same scripture.
2) If you attend church and call yourself a devout catholic, then YOUR interpretation of a scripture doesn't mean shit. In fact, YOU shouldn't even have your own interpretation of one. But if you're going to then stop going to church, because they don't tell you to form your own opinion. That's THEIR job.
3) Now let's get into the good shit!
There are several DIFFERENT versions of the "Bible". Each one with different interpretations. Some with "Books" added in. Not to mention this is just for Catholicism.
4) There are 4,200 different religions in the world. Which one's interpretation of things is 100% right? Before you answer that with Catholicism, you better have true knowledge of the other 4,199.
5) Here's the BIG one.
ALL the "Books" in the "Bible" are "The Book ACCORDING to" (excerpt for Revolutions). Now they have to use that phrase ACCORDING TO because ALL of them were written decades AFTER Christ died!! Which means NONE of them are a written interview with Christ himself. SO what does that mean? It means that every single one of them is THEIR INTERPRETATION of what Christ meant. So do you see where the "interpretation" wheel started spinning?? NONE of the 4,200 religions had a SIT DOWN with Christ to write their books of religious beliefs. Sadly ALL of the religious differences and interpretations which are causing things form disagreements all the way up to wars could've been solved had Christ just written a AUTOBIOGRAPHY!!!!!!
OHHHHH and before you go shitting on me saying I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to Catholicism. I was baptized Catholic, made my first communion, and confirmation. Went to Catholic grammar school and a Catholic high school. So yeah, I have a pretty good handle on Catholicism.
Ohhh btw I won't tell anyone in your church community that you condone homosexuality. Now I'm sure you're wondering what I'm talking about right? You have Queen listed first in your favorite music and Freddy Mercury was a raging homosexual. So by you liking and listening to his music, you're condoning it. Well at least in my "INTERPRETATION" you are. 🤭
Well it's good to see that you think that YOUR interpretation of "working it out" is the PROPER interpretation. I mean whether or not they want to talk about it became irrelevant when you went on the whole tangent of your interpretation of scriptures, when you yourself have not been ordained or found that box that supposedly has all the answers (the arc of the covenant). So allow me to enlighten you on a few FACTS before you go shitting on someone else who chooses not to delve into a certain "scripture".
1) You can go to 10 different churches on the same day and get 10 different interpretations of the same scripture.
2) If you attend church and call yourself a devout catholic, then YOUR interpretation of a scripture doesn't mean shit. In fact, YOU shouldn't even have your own interpretation of one. But if you're going to then stop going to church, because they don't tell you to form your own opinion. That's THEIR job.
3) Now let's get into the good shit!
There are several DIFFERENT versions of the "Bible". Each one with different interpretations. Some with "Books" added in. Not to mention this is just for Catholicism.
4) There are 4,200 different religions in the world. Which one's interpretation of things is 100% right? Before you answer that with Catholicism, you better have true knowledge of the other 4,199.
5) Here's the BIG one.
ALL the "Books" in the "Bible" are "The Book ACCORDING to" (excerpt for Revolutions). Now they have to use that phrase ACCORDING TO because ALL of them were written decades AFTER Christ died!! Which means NONE of them are a written interview with Christ himself. SO what does that mean? It means that every single one of them is THEIR INTERPRETATION of what Christ meant. So do you see where the "interpretation" wheel started spinning?? NONE of the 4,200 religions had a SIT DOWN with Christ to write their books of religious beliefs. Sadly ALL of the religious differences and interpretations which are causing things form disagreements all the way up to wars could've been solved had Christ just written a AUTOBIOGRAPHY!!!!!!
OHHHHH and before you go shitting on me saying I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to Catholicism. I was baptized Catholic, made my first communion, and confirmation. Went to Catholic grammar school and a Catholic high school. So yeah, I have a pretty good handle on Catholicism.
Ohhh btw I won't tell anyone in your church community that you condone homosexuality. Now I'm sure you're wondering what I'm talking about right? You have Queen listed first in your favorite music and Freddy Mercury was a raging homosexual. So by you liking and listening to his music, you're condoning it. Well at least in my "INTERPRETATION" you are. 🤭
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